Friday, July 6, 2007

My Friends Helped Me Today

It was another roller coaster like day at Countryside today. It was a good thing I accessed my work computer email while on vacation this week. There was a message from the Roanoke Times reporter, Mason Adams, wanting to tour our community and the Countryside property. I quickly called and said I was on vacation and could we meet Friday. It worked well and he toured this morning. Let me backup - I needed someone else to tour with me - someone who has more than my 8 years of history here in the community. To the rescue just like these fireman pictured training on Ranch Road today comes my hero, Thom Ryder. Thom grew up here though he now lives in the county. I won't embarrass him with a flurry of accolades but .... I will just say his love for this neighborhood should be an inspiration to us all. He was an excellent tour guide and historian for the reporter.
The Roanoke Times also printed my Commentary today with a picture. A long silence from the Roanoke Times was broken and we hit a double today.
I then visited my friends, the Saunders, and spent a few minutes wringing my hands with Rosanne and postulating on what will become of our neighborhood. Then I admired the big silver monument in her front yard which can be viewed right smack dab in the middle of the picture window. We needed a fire hydrant but right in front of their house? Look for pictures of the monument coming soon as our imagination got the better of us. Please bail us out!
I wandered around in Kroger's with no mission other than accidentally finding something appealing to the senses and finally caved in by the hot chicken warmer. You know you can't resist the smell when you walk by ... right Vince Barci? After arriving home and cleaning off a few chicken bones I realized this was not the cure for my distress.
I went to my computer and found an "atta girl" from Jeff Artis and an email from Pat Baker that I passed along to most of you. It never fails when I am at my lowest someone comes along to lift my spirits. Here is part of her email from Bermuda (she has relatives there) - " I am sending you this note in hopes that it will lift your spirits and keep you going. I know it is a lonely job and you feel no one is with you. But believe me there are a lot of people backing you and trying to Keep Golfside [Countryside] alive and functioning at a very very HIGH Level. We need improvement in NORTHWEST Too! please help Mrs. Garner. Love Patricia Bake
I feel much better now thanks to Thom, Jeff, Patricia, Ken and Rosanne. Thank you, my friends.

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