Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Roanoke City To Swap Countryside Land for Airport Land

RED line is widened RPZ - PINK land is to be swapped - The dotted BLACK outline is current airport-owned property. CLICK TO ENLARGE map and letter below.
We have known this for a long time and wondered when it was actually going to occur. At the July 21st City Council briefing or workshop the city-owned Countryside land to be swapped with Roanoke Regional Airport will be discussed. This is a widening of the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) for Runway 6. It will be swapped for land mostly at Lewiston and Ranch. This vacant airport-owned land once had homes on it. These homes were demolished and owners compensated with Federal Funds in the 1980's when the airport was expanded. The PINK land will probably be slated for homes AGAIN. Maybe the previous homeowners would like to have first crack at one of these homes in the noise contour. We all know it should be something other than homes so let us hope there is "reason" out there.
When the RPZ is widened it will encompass at least two homes on Cheraw Lake. If I were these property owners I would be concerned with my property value. I'm just guessing that a home in a RPZ would be hard to sell. However, the Director of ROA did say they would be willing buyers if ever they decided to sell - yes, but for how much?
Did you notice the verbiage of the letter from Ms. Shuck, Director of ROA, that read - "Realizing that the golf course was interested in maintaining the lease and would most likely come to terms with us if purchase were necessary". This contradicts previous communications to the public that the 40 year lease with the owners, Meadowbrook, would terminate and not be renewed for safety reasons. CLICK HERE FOR THAT LETTER.
Do you see why there is so much distrust? This is just a smidgen.

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