Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Homeowners Have Right To Expect Golf Course To Continue

In today's Roanoke Times article: "Botetourt Co. supervisors vote to preserve golf course" - Supervisor Steve Clinton said residents who purchased homes next to the golf course land proposed for a change of use had every right to "expect a golf course to remain a golf course."

Now let us see Roanoke City's Council feel the same way about it's residents at Countryside Golf Course who paid a premium to live adjacent to the open green space that this golf course provides.

Roanoke City Council needs vision to build on this attraction to city, county, state, and out-of-state citizens that come to the City of Roanoke, stay at the airport hotels and spend a day on this golf course. What better way to advertise Roanoke City. If Council had any vision this golf course could be used to attract those visitors who don't get past Valley View Mall to venture downtown and to the new art museum.

1 comment:

Newt said...

Valerie, from day one, that has been my thinking. Properly developed and marketed as a recreational facility for the region, Countryside can become a solid post in the welcome gate to the Roanoke Valley.

The city would need to invest in the reconditioning of the existing course and add improvements. The whole strip of land from William Fleming to the current clubhouse are ripe for development into a recreation center hub. It's all in our vision.

What is not compatible with this vision is the raping of the open space for strip businesses that will no doubt fail and high density housing.