Monday, May 28, 2007

Countryside Celebrates Neighborhood Month

"Cutty" Edwards Awarded Clock
An award went to "Cutty" Edwards for donating our monthly meeting room at the Holiday Inn on Frontage Road. "Cutty" received an engraved clock for his desk .

Al and Millie Steele Awarded Gift Certificate
Al and Millie Steele received a $40 gift certificate to Coach and Four Restaurant. Millie is our "Grant Writer" and if it was not for Millie we would not have our meeting signs or grant funds for this event.

The Keeton's on Laurel Ridge Rd. made this cake!
Judy Keeton surprised us all with the cake. Now I know why they asked for the layout of the Banner. We saved the cake for last to cut and eat.

The "SAVE COUNTRYSIDE" Banner will continue to be put to good use.

Countryside Neighborhood Alliance celebrated May Neighborhood Month on Saturday, May 19th at the Countryside Golf Club Pavilion. Millie Steele's patience with the grant paperwork was rewarded in a small way. It is a daunting task to complete the grant forms, It does not stop after confirmation of the grant award is received. After the grant funds are spent Millie has to gather all receipts, compute the volunteer hours, account for the in-kind donations and fill out more paperwork to receive the actual reimbursement from the City. Al Steele has been my go-for so many times I lost count. He takes the Newsletter to the printers and picks it up. Drops paperwork off to Neighborhood Services on the last day to submit grant paperwork. Al put the meeting signs together as we were surprised the "finished" product was not assembled. The plaque my sneaky Co-Chair, Lloyd Long, presented to me meant more then words can say. Our neighborhood during this time of adversity has united and pulled together to preserve what we all know is so special about it but others fail to see.

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