Friday, September 26, 2008

Waiting For Response From Meadowbrook

I asked Brian Townsend again last night if he had received a response from Meadowbrook, current operators of Countryside, whether they would be willing to operate the golf course through June, 2009. This is what the City Administration and City Council agreed to do while drafting a Request For Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals from interested operators for a 10 year period. This would also include Meadowbrook assuming they are not fed up with the whole process of one year leases. During Winter months they lose money so the City is hoping to offer extending through Spring, 2009, in order to make up for the loss over the Winter months. It has now been more than a week and no response from Meadowbrook. I wonder what "Plan B" is? Would it be closed when Meadowbrook's lease ends October 31st? The golf carts and maintenance equipment belongs to Meadowbrook. Even if Parks and Rec maintained it there would be no golf carts even if there is equipment (which I doubt they have). Parks and Rec do not have any experience maintaining or managing a golf course. I would wager that Meadowbrook IF they agree would not be willing to pay the City any rent. The suspense continues!

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