Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Roanoke Times Poll Results For Countryside

What should the council do with the Countryside property?

Keep it as a golf course

Sell it


Total Replies : 353


Anonymous said...

313/93504 = 0.335% of the population of Roanoke has spoken. Our mayor would probably call that a mandate!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and what an improvement it is in city government too! The prior mayor only required .000229% of the voters of So Roa before such a proclimation were made. Good going Mayor Bowers

Anonymous said...

Anon.....Yes, it is less than 1% who have spoken on the site. HOWEVER, let's talk about another appeal to council which appears to be going forward without much opposition. I believe the number supporting a dog park was about 100?! That's about 1/3 of those who voted for Countryside to remain a golf course. FYI: There were over 1000 signatures on a petition to keep CS as a golf course.