Thursday, March 6, 2008

Letter to the Editor Favoring Countryside As A Municipal Golf Course

Today's Letter to the Editor in The Roanoke Times:

Municipal golf course is a better investment

The Feb. 19 commentary by Valerie Garner "Chipping away at Countryside" exposed the narrow-minded approach of Roanoke city government and city council members to the valuable asset and potential of the Countryside Golf Course.

The city should not turn a blind eye to this potential cash cow for Roanoke and the future generations that could enjoy one of the last green refuges in a sea of expanding industrial development and asphalt. The city's plan for a real estate development with $400,000-plus homes is unrealistic now with the ever-mounting inventory of homes on the market and the mortgage industry going belly up.
Why not look north at the Baltimore solution adopted more than 20 years ago? The Baltimore Municipal Golf Corp. began in 1985 with a loan of $500,000 from the city and since invested more than $6.5 million in capital improvements to the five city courses and donated more than $4 million to city youth programs. The courses are great and readily accessible to the general public.
As you enter the Shenandoah Valley into Roanoke off Interstate 81 onto Interstate 581, let there be an attractive municipal Countryside Golf Course available to all.


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