Saturday, August 18, 2007

Countryside Drop-Kicked


Late Friday afternoon I get an email saying that Countryside is on the August 20th, 2:00 PM Roanoke City Council Agenda. This is opposite of what they said they would do. What was that you say? They promised to include us. If an email with an agenda item is inclusion then they don't know the meaning of the word... and we were ready to communicate only to get slapped in the face again. This is only a notification of what they have already decided. Councilman Lea has already blessed it.

This is what it says from Mayor Harris to all Council members for agenda item 5a at the 2:00 PM Council meeting:

SUBJECT: Countryside Project

Since our last council meeting and our decision to reject the development proposal for the Countryside project, I have met with the City Manager and staff to determine next steps.

1) Given that the current management contract on the golf course ends on October 31st [we were told Oct. 1st] and requires the contractor to provide all business operational equipment, we believe there is insufficient time to develop a thorough RFP and to secure meaningful responses. Accordingly our first recommendation is to renew the current contract for one additional year and plan to issue a RFP next spring for any additional management services needed.

2) Long-term use of the property [does this mean the Director of ROA said no land-swap, no lease of airport property extension?] requires that the clear zone issue be resolved through the proposed property exchange with the Airport Commission. Therefore, we recommend that we conclude this transaction. [what about the homes at the end of Cheraw Lake that the RPZ will be over?]

3) An existing business [Jess Newbern Properties - Trane] adjacent to the golf course desires to expand immediately. I recommend that staff be authorized to determine if such expansion can be accommodated without undue interference with the current golf course operation [hello! it is the 2nd and 3rd greens at least] and negotiate the sale of this limited area of the property, and,

4) Not seek formal proposals [formal meaning if someone comes to them?] for the balance of the property's development for at least a year to allow time to assess the current housing market conditions.

Unless there are objections, [we object!!!]I would suggest council instruct staff to proceed as outlined above.

C. Nelson Harris


Newt said...

Valerie, what do you mean when you said that "Councilman has already blessed it?"

Unknown said...

Councilman Lea agrees with the proposal. We have no one that speaks for us. I suggest we do not support the rename of the golf course to Roy Stanley since the proposal clearly indicates Councils noncommittal in keeping it a Municipal Golf Course.

RoanokeFound said...

If this immediate expansion is what I think it is, then this has been in the works for at least 6 months downtown.

The city council is hell-bent on destruction apparently. In the next few months they are going to completely and painfully rip the city apart.

Countryside, the City Market, and several other divisive actions they will make.