Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Henh Ly Remembered Today - April 22nd

The Memorial Park Conservancy works to protect and enhance Memorial Park, one of the state's largest urban parks and a beloved outdoors destination - Houston, TX.
Henh Ly, the Roanoke resident victim of the Virginia Tech tragedy was laid to rest today. The inspiring story was again so beautifully portrayed to all in attendance at a noon service held in the William Fleming Auditorium. All who attended received white wrist bands with his name and the dates - November 21, 1986 - April 16, 2007. A slide show of pictures portraying his life from a very young lad to his days at Virginia Tech. Henh's inspiring graduation speech was played. His grieving family sat in front of his coffin. A large picture of a smiling Henh Ly with twinkling eyes stood beside the coffin. Each student told their stories of Henh Ly exuding both laughter and tears from the audience. Dignitaries came to pay their respects to this amazing young man's life. A life that brought him to American from Vietnam at the age of 5. All spoke to Henh Ly's hard work and achievement of academic excellence.

The Memorial Service is over. Will we forget? Let the end of the Memorial Service not be the end of his story. Let it be the beginning of a memorial that will inspire others in years to come. Again I ask for comments on what I/we as Roanoke citizens can do to honor this young man's life. What would be fitting as inspiration to all who come to America in pursuit of the American dream?

Henh Ly Memorial Park” where now the sign reads “Countryside Golf Club”. On the plaque would be the words Henh Ly wrote in his 2006 William Fleming Yearbook, a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.” I envision the park to serve as an inspiration to us all for all the years to come. I will add more later as this was an emotional draining day.


Bill McClure said...

I think this is a wonderful idea. This bright young man taken as he was. This is a story of the real American Dream, and he should be memorialized for himself, and being the only Roanoker killed in the tragedy, it would only be fitting to have a plaque at this wonderful recreation area. I do not believe in coincedience, but I do believe faith in God inspires, and the Holy Spirit gives us these great things from God. Keep up this great idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh this has brought me to tears again. My children attened Fleming with Henh. He was greatly loved by all of his classmates and teachers. He really was an outstanding young man.

Anonymous said...

Henh Ly's death is an American tragedy; yet, his life was an inspiring American story.
Building a memorial park will inspire generations of Raonoke residents, carry on his dream, finish that journey, and let Henh's spirit live on...

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the encouragement. My first business contact said to me "you must be smokin' something" wow ... that was a baloon deflating experience. But I got over that after receiving some very kind words including from you.

Hang on we may have lift off.