Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Roanoker Magazine on Countryside Golf Club

The November/December issue of The Roanoker Magazine has a four-page article that has been in the works for several months. Working with Elizabeth Parsons, author of the article was a pleasure. She took it very seriously and did her homework. Parsons who knew nothing about the subject she was assigned seemed overwhelmed at times admitting she did not know it was "such a tangled web." After reading it several times it became clear that the only team still clinging to their position that buying Countryside for development was a good idea is Burcham and Townsend. Developers and appraisers say "no way."


Anonymous said...

I haven't read the Roanoker in years, but I just picked up a copy to read this article. It doesn't paint a very flattering picture of the thought process, or lack of it, that went into the original decision.

Golf Vacation Las Vegas said...

I don't agree with the article published in the Roanoker.