Saturday, August 23, 2008

Countryside Golf Club Hosts "old white people"

Countryside is a place where old white people (predominantly . . . sorry, Mr. Nash) can go and play a cheap round of golf subsidized by the City. - StarCityHarbinger
There is so much wrong with this post it is hard to know where to start and really does not deserve comment except for this most egregious proclamation.
Now, I know this will evoke a round of comments by Mr. Bostwick a legal aid attorney, but after his postings recently and the feedback I've received regarding his psychotic posts anything he has to say is diminished and lets hope he sees what a huge mistake it was to make such outrageous comments.
Sure my emotions regarding this recent dare I say grandstanding by Mr. Rosen was met with well, lets face it, hostility. Mr. Rosen accused me of smearing him in front of a member of the media at the "State of the City" address. I'm still looking for where exactly I smeared him. Criticism is part of being in public office and all current and former officeholders have experience far worse criticism. They take the more prudent road of "ignoring it".
Those who have followed the Countryside saga for these many years understand my frustration. The frustration is that suddenly the financing of Countryside is "news" to this Council when I've repeated ad nauseam for 3 years starting with the option to purchase in May 2005 to the purchase in November, 2005. Me, an ordinary citizen just asked the Director of Finance without fanfare how it was financed, what they had to pay the airport for the lease of the RPZ, and what was the real estate tax revenue they were forgoing. I had emailed this information to Dr. Trinkle a year ago after he had asked Ms. Burcham at a Council meeting (a year ago) to gather the financial information. I tried to get the media to inform Roanoke citizens to no avail.
Back to the "old white people" who play at Countryside Golf Club subsidized by the City. All you have to do is watch the slide show in the right column to see ALL those "old white people". And as Mr. Nash pointed out the golf course since it opened in 1967 has been subsidized by itself.


Anonymous said...

Once again, the Countryside Lobby resorts to personal attacks against folks who disagree with the basic proposition that municipal ownership of the Countryside Golf Club should be indefinite.

The City pays a bill to the tune of nearly a half a million dollars a year for property (and the interest on the principal debt of that property) that benefits only a select few of the greater Roanoke population.

During our times of economic crisis, social justice requires sacrifice. Should we ask our school children to sacrifice or our golfers? I think the answer is plain to all but those who have a financial stake in continued municipal-ownership of Countryside Golf Club.

Hank "Psychotic" Bostwick

Anonymous said...

I have no"financial stake" in Countryside nor am I a part of any "Countryside Lobby" (since there is none). If Mr. Rosen was not a "lobbyist" in DC, there is no way that anyone can say a neighborhood alliance is a "lobby" least not any more than any other neighborhood group in Roanoke. Is "Old SW" a lobby?

My "financial stake" is in caring the city doesn't taking every bit of greenspace left. Have you ever heard the song "They Paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot"? The message of the song is powerful!!!!

I read the post on the Star City Harbinger so I could verify that statement made. It is VERY obvious that the one who wrote the post has never been to Countryside Golf Course to observe the golfers or only dropped by once and happened to see "old white people" only.....or only saw what they wanted to see.

Just like our community, it brings in a variety of golfers...a mix of colors,ages, and socioeconomic groups.

Making generalizations without data to back it up is very irresponsible and unbecoming of someone who would claim to be a "professional". I'm not a golfer, but I know just by driving on 581 and looking with my eyes that the statement about "old white people" is completely false.

Museice said...

I don't play golf, I don't live near Countryside, but the limbo your community has been placed in is a shame. Your Op-Ed today was insightful and a sad commentary on what happens when a major decision is left to float in the wind from one Council to the next.
Countryside, in land locked Roanoke, is important and I thank you for keeping our community informed.

Golf Vacation Las Vegas said...

I love the countryside golf course because of their plush greenery.

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